Everyone knows that content is king in today’s marketing strategies, but how do you make yours rock? Destination guides, brochures, feature articles or collateral, they all need to spark attention before they can excite your potential market.
Yes, those critical things both agency and client need before investing a penny on your marketing campaign. Now I said nothing about boxers. That’s another blog.
Some call it wasting time; some wishful thinking. Me? I think daydreaming can trip off your most creative state of mind and, in my corner of the world, it’s the best way to come up with the next big idea.
Though Mad Men made advertising seem sexy, the ad biz was also — sexist. Today, the flavor of misogyny Don Draper and his pals showed isn’t cool; in fact, it’s downright unacceptable.
What seems like a very long time ago, I walked into a small local advertising agency and asked if they were hiring. There was no job opening — so they created one! And the agency became home for the next 11 years.
Some call it wasting time.; some wishful thinking. To me, daydreaming is critical to a creative state of mind. And, in my corner of the agency, it’s how we roll.